Notable fue el desempeño de la soprano griega Alexia Voulgaridou quien interpretó el papel de Micaela con su flexible voz de tono cristalino y facilidad para emitir notas agudas.
Ramon Jacques,, August 5, 2010
Alexia Voulgaridou’s powerful portrayal of Micaëla was one of the evening’s highlights …
Robert D. Thomas,, August 1, 2010
Micaëla’s air in Act III was absolutely beautiful as she reveals that Don José’s mother is dying. Her soprano voice was clear, crisp, and beautiful and was a wonderful highlight of the entire opera.
Paula Edelstein,, August 2
My favorite singers were [….] Alexia Voulgaridou, whose beautiful soprano voice filed the air with ease ….., August 2, 2010
Degna di nota anche la Micaela del soprano Alexia Voulgaridou, voce luminosa e duttile, con un bel registro acuto, facile e ben timbrato.
Ramon Jacques,, August 7, 2010